The Christian and Our Role in Government

The earth is moving from freedom to bondage at the hand of man’s own invention.

Question- Why are so many Christians charged up about politics these days?

My answer- Because politics is extremely important as government stewards the laws and economies of people through which people can be free or enslaved, live or die. When life and freedom is threatened, people are forced out of their “me culture” to defend the right to live as free people. In the case of the Christian, we have a sacred duty to live out the teachings of the Bible. It requires freedom to do that- freedom to believe and worship the God of your choosing; the freedom of speech to be able to share what you believe with others; the freedom to shape culture in a way that people can be safe and to prosper; the freedom to bear arms to defend your family and your freedoms and way of life from tyrannical government; the freedom to vote so we can choose leaders that are in agreement with what we believe. This then demands faith to respond with civic responsibility.
It can be historically demonstrated that there is a “force” or a nature in the human experience that finds it way in the minds of men that tends:

1) to exalt oneself above others

2) it desires to micro-manage people

3) to compete with other entities/governments for supremacy

4) to conquest other nations and peoples for control of natural resources and establish dominance- craves power and wealth

5) to put down threats from other nations

6) to enslave and exploit people to do the will and purposes of government

7) to control what people believe and how they should live because the state is central and worthy of worship

8) exaltation of self to world historical prominence

We can see that this “nature” resurfaces and repeats itself through time. From a biblical worldview, this manipulative force carries the earmarks of satan himself who is the spirit of the antichrist. We may as well say it- Satan and his demons have the ability to sway and manipulate the minds of men to carry out his schemes. Mankind is creating the very technology infrastructures that will eventually be used for their own bondage.

As believers in Bible centered faith and ideology, we have a mandate and duty to resist these governmental movements because they always result in fascism, oppression, dictatorship, genocide and the enslavement of people in a antichrist, atheistic regime. A global system would have no accountability to be other than the ultimate end of this ideology. The entire earth would become controlled and enslaved with no escape.

By now, Mankind should learn that secular humanistic atheistic institutions of man are incapable of sustaining power and control of people and governments without becoming corrupt. This has been demonstrated all around the world throughout history. The Christian enforces that God (Jesus Christ) is the Supreme head and must be the center of life, public and private. This gives permission for His divine character to permeate the hearts, minds and wills of the peoples which promote righteousness, justice, freedom, love, joy, peace, harmony, good will, blessing and the favor of God. Please read Deuteronomy 28.

Again I will state that because of the fallen nature of man, our faith must be lived out with civic governmental responsibility. We will continue to promote these worthy goals until we are taken and then return with Him in His glory and establishment of His kingdom on the earth. We are in training to rule and reign with Yeshua our Messiah in the earth.


6 Replies to “The Christian and Our Role in Government”

  1. If you want to use the photo it would also be good to check with the artist beforehand in case it is subject to copyright. Best wishes. Aaren Reggis Sela

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