Four More Years- How Will You Maximize the Trump Era?

This is a critical question for every one of us. God is listening…

The most important question we should be dealing with at this time in history is-

What will I do with four more years? What steps can I take and what plan of action can I implement to maximize four more years of the Trump administration era should the Lord grant them to us? You need to know, and God wants to hear about it? God is waiting to supernaturally assist you in an action plan.

Understanding the time we are living in is important. This can give you greater urgency and motivation. We need to weigh the consequences if we choose to do nothing. We know what the Bible says about the last days and where we are in it. The church is divided into two basic camps- the book of Revelation was largely fulfilled in 70 AD and there is no future antichrist figure (preterism) OR those who believe there was a near partial fulfillment of the book of Revelation in 70 AD, but there awaits a future time of global fulfillment. Obviously, I am of the 2nd camp. I believe there are too many signs to ignore, but we will not go into them here.

I strongly believe the “Last Days” scenario is developing right before our very eyes. As the two political party platforms contrast their polarized views we can anticipate the consequences. The case is quite clear, if the “liberal, progressive, socialist left” gains control of the White House, we will see the sun begin to set on Christianity in America.

We need to ask ourselves and search our hearts, “What will I accomplish in the next 4 years under the Trump administration should the Lord grant them to us? Here are some thoughts to help you make your personal list of objectives. To ask the Lord for 4 more years of Trump-

  1. is to give the church and its missionaries 4 more years to get the gospel out there to the far reaches of the earth with less duress so everyone can hear the gospel. What will I do to encourage, help support and expand that effort?
  2. It gives me 4 more years to minister to my family so all my children and grandchildren know the truth. What can I do to promote the importance of family bonding and cohesiveness? What can I do to reduce divorce and marital strife? How do I teach my children the importance of the biblically defined family unit to promote a healthy society?
  3. It gives us 4 more years of Christian freedom to pray and hope and prepare for a great harvest revival of these last days. How an I prepare myself to be a useful instrument for evangelism, discipleship and “being the church?”
  4. It gives us 4 more years to have the muzzle of the preacher loosened so the people can hear and receive the truth of the gospel without fear of reprisal. What can I do to encourage my pastor and other ministers to stop compromising and to preach the truth in love without fear?
  5. It gives us 4 more years to strengthen the “Christian” stronghold of America in the world. If America can be seen as a large platform on the earth to preach, teach and evangelize the world, what can I do to strengthen this platform? Like a table, this platform has legs underneath it that the enemy has been working to weaken and break- a) finances- sacrificial giving with accountability and stewardship, b) government freedom, c) active volunteerism with churches and ministries working together, d) accurate media exposure and promotion.
  6. It gives us 4 more years to raise up Christian believers to position themselves in the influential cultural institutions of the land and to teach the biblical worldview to the next generation. Consider the following areas of cultural influence: a) Religion. b) Family/Home. c) Government. d) Media. e) Education. f) Business/Marketplace. g) Arts and Entertainment. Can you define where you can influence these areas? What would your plan be to begin to affect change and transformation of your neighborhood, community, city, state, region?
  7. It gives us 4 more years for the US to re-establish national sovereignty and to decrease our dependency on other nations. What can you do to increase your devotion to the American free enterprise system? How can you support local businesses and American made products?
  8. It gives the USA 4 more years to complete the border wall with Mexico to better control illegal immigration and drug and human trafficking. What can you do to improve the immigration process and make sure it is legal and beneficial to America? What can we do to reduce the immigration of anti-American Muslim extremists? What can you do to help support the border wall construction effort?

Let us pray that we are good stewards of these next 4 years that the Lord might grant us! Will you be taking some time and write down your thoughts on these subjects and set some goals and make some plans for what we will do for these next 4 years?

I sure hope you will! If you need help, please reach out to us.

The Eight Spiritual Laws

Eight Essential Principles to Form a Biblical Worldview

By Ty Lamb 2020

1. Creation. God reveals Himself in the Bible as the Universal Creator of heaven and earth. He established the Garden of Eden as a place of peaceful, unending coexistence for Himself and His creation. The highest order of His creation is Mankind, created in His very own image. At some point a guardian cherub was found with pride and sin and was expelled out of the heavenly realm along with those following his deception.

2. The Fall. Mankind, not understanding the difference between good and evil, nor God’s attributes of righteousness, holiness, goodness, love and perfection, were vulnerable to deception. They began to believe the voice of the deceiver (satan), creating a breach of trust with God. This caused sin, separation and disfavor with God which opened the door to many kinds of evil over the face of the earth.

3. The Curse. Following the voice of deception results in disobedient actions giving birth to sin, trespass, iniquity, and rebellion which began to rule the minds of Man.  Hardship, toil, pain, suffering, confusion, corruption and death was released into the earth. Creation consequently became cursed. Fallen angels further corrupted the human genome. Corruption intensified until it became necessary for all to be destroyed except for a single family.

4. The Chosen People. After the earth repopulated, the people once again became corrupted through the influences of fallen angels and the leadership of Nimrod. They assembled to create their own path back to God. God responded by confusing their languages and scattering them over the face of the earth. Later, God called out a single representative, Abraham, who became the father of a great nation of people in the earth. They would become His people and He would become their God. They would have a land of their own, with a hope and a future. They would later end up in Egypt, in the bonds of slavery and began to cry out to YHVH for deliverance.

5. The Nation. The descendants of Abraham eventually were delivered from slavery under the leadership of Moses. They consented to be God’s covenant people and fulfill the calling to become a holy nation. Then they would enter and occupy the land promised to Abraham. In time, they disobeyed God’s instruction and worshipped other gods. Civil war erupted and they divided into two nations, the “house of Israel” and “house of Judah” and were subsequently dispersed into the nations of the world.

6. The Regathering. Later, a faithful remnant of the “house of Judah” remembered God’s promises, humbled themselves, repented and came back to the Land and God fulfilled His promise to re-establish them as a nation. The “house of Israel,” however, had a much longer sentencing of judgment and remained dispersed throughout the nations of the earth. Having lost their identity, they began hearing the call and invitation to return through the gospel message of Yeshua.

7. The Atonement. In the fullness of time, the Son of God, Yeshua was born into the world and came to the remnant nation of Israel. Blinded by religious pride, they refused Him; rejected Yeshua and had Him executed. In an amazing fulfillment of the foreshadowed Abraham and Isaac offering, Father God, sent Yeshua, His only Son to become the sinless sacrifice, sufficient to cleanse all who will humble themselves and look to Him. The deceptive work of the fallen cherub was destroyed through the merits of the cross.

8. The Great Commission. Yeshua was raised back to life giving people the hope of eternal life. He ascended back into heaven, is seated at the right hand of God the Father, is the Savior and Lord of all mankind, for those who believe and call on His name. Yeshua sent Holy Spirit to equip and empower His followers to preach the good news of salvation and make disciples of all nations. Those who turn to Yeshua are the remnant descendants of the dispersed nation being grafted back into the nation of Israel to restore the Commonwealth of Israel and are granted eternal life.