Eight Essential Principles to Form a Biblical Worldview
By Ty Lamb 2020
1. Creation. God reveals Himself in the Bible as the Universal Creator of heaven and earth. He established the Garden of Eden as a place of peaceful, unending coexistence for Himself and His creation. The highest order of His creation is Mankind, created in His very own image. At some point a guardian cherub was found with pride and sin and was expelled out of the heavenly realm along with those following his deception.
2. The Fall. Mankind, not understanding the difference between good and evil, nor God’s attributes of righteousness, holiness, goodness, love and perfection, were vulnerable to deception. They began to believe the voice of the deceiver (satan), creating a breach of trust with God. This caused sin, separation and disfavor with God which opened the door to many kinds of evil over the face of the earth.
3. The Curse. Following the voice of deception results in disobedient actions giving birth to sin, trespass, iniquity, and rebellion which began to rule the minds of Man. Hardship, toil, pain, suffering, confusion, corruption and death was released into the earth. Creation consequently became cursed. Fallen angels further corrupted the human genome. Corruption intensified until it became necessary for all to be destroyed except for a single family.
4. The Chosen People. After the earth repopulated, the people once again became corrupted through the influences of fallen angels and the leadership of Nimrod. They assembled to create their own path back to God. God responded by confusing their languages and scattering them over the face of the earth. Later, God called out a single representative, Abraham, who became the father of a great nation of people in the earth. They would become His people and He would become their God. They would have a land of their own, with a hope and a future. They would later end up in Egypt, in the bonds of slavery and began to cry out to YHVH for deliverance.
5. The Nation. The descendants of Abraham eventually were delivered from slavery under the leadership of Moses. They consented to be God’s covenant people and fulfill the calling to become a holy nation. Then they would enter and occupy the land promised to Abraham. In time, they disobeyed God’s instruction and worshipped other gods. Civil war erupted and they divided into two nations, the “house of Israel” and “house of Judah” and were subsequently dispersed into the nations of the world.
6. The Regathering. Later, a faithful remnant of the “house of Judah” remembered God’s promises, humbled themselves, repented and came back to the Land and God fulfilled His promise to re-establish them as a nation. The “house of Israel,” however, had a much longer sentencing of judgment and remained dispersed throughout the nations of the earth. Having lost their identity, they began hearing the call and invitation to return through the gospel message of Yeshua.
7. The Atonement. In the fullness of time, the Son of God, Yeshua was born into the world and came to the remnant nation of Israel. Blinded by religious pride, they refused Him; rejected Yeshua and had Him executed. In an amazing fulfillment of the foreshadowed Abraham and Isaac offering, Father God, sent Yeshua, His only Son to become the sinless sacrifice, sufficient to cleanse all who will humble themselves and look to Him. The deceptive work of the fallen cherub was destroyed through the merits of the cross.
8. The Great Commission. Yeshua was raised back to life giving people the hope of eternal life. He ascended back into heaven, is seated at the right hand of God the Father, is the Savior and Lord of all mankind, for those who believe and call on His name. Yeshua sent Holy Spirit to equip and empower His followers to preach the good news of salvation and make disciples of all nations. Those who turn to Yeshua are the remnant descendants of the dispersed nation being grafted back into the nation of Israel to restore the Commonwealth of Israel and are granted eternal life.